Welcome to the Brazilian collector’s information on this page! The goal of this section is to provide a listing of the Brazilian Strawberry Shortcake items that were offered for sale from 1982 to 1992! There were over 60 different dolls that were offered in Brazil, but not the USA!
The Strawberry Shortcake Brazilian dolls series was manufactured by Estrela, a company based in São Paulo, Brazil. The strawberry shortcake Brazilian dolls series was made up of 5.5 inch dolls, Berry babies and Blowkiss Babies.
The Brazilian dolls are some of the most beautiful dolls I have ever seen. Strawberry Shortcake items were offered from 1979 to 1985 in the USA. But in Brazil the Strawberry Shortcake line of dolls were released for a much longer period of time, 1982 – 1992. The Brazilian line of Dolls are completely different from the USA line of dolls.
In total, the discovery of the Brazilian dolls adds around 60 more dolls to the USA line. Because these dolls were only manufactured in Brazil they are VERY hard to find. They can be as expensive as the Berrykin USA line. A MIB USA Berry Baby will go for well under $20 dollars in an auction, while a MIB Brazilian Berry Baby will go for well over a $40!!
Brazilian First Series
The first series was made from 1982 – 1984 and there were eleven dolls total that were produced. I am proud to say that I own all of these dolls.
The first four dolls that were produced in 1982 were:
Moranguinho (Little Strawberry) | Limaozinho (Little Lemon) |
Laranjiha (Little Orange) | Uvinha (Little Grape) |
The next four dolls were produced in 1983.
Macazinha (Little Apple) | Goiabinha (Little Guava) |
Cafezinho (Little coffee) | Party Strawberry Shortcake |
The next three dolls were produced in 1984.
Cerejinha (Little Cherry) | Mentazinha (Little Mint) |
Pesseguinho (Little Peach) | |
Knot of Ribbon Series
The Knot of Ribbon series was made in 1985 and the dolls have large bows like the Berrykin USA line. There were two new dolls introduced: Little Banana and Little Bride. The Strawberry Shortcake version of this series looks almost identical to Strawberry Shortcake Berrykin. This line of dolls most closely resembles the Berrykins than any other Brazilian Line.
Moranguinho (Little Strawberry) | Pesseguinho (Little Peach) |
Macazinha (Little Apple) | Uvinha (Little Grape) |
Bananinha (Little Banana) | Laranjinha (Little Orange) |
Noivinha (Little Bride) | |
New Wave Series
The New Wave series was made in 1986 and the dolls have large bows like the Berrykin USA line. The coffee dolls for some reason always retains her scent the longest! She still smells BERRY good!
Moranguinho (Little Strawberry) | Cerejinha (Little Cherry) |
Macazinha (Little apple) | Violetinha (Little Violet) |
Cafezinho (Little Coffee) | Abacaxiziho (Little pinapple) |
Rosinha (Little Rose) | Cocadinha (Little Coconut) |
Noivinha (Little Bride) | |
The Fruits and Floral series was made in 1987 and the dolls have large bows like the Berrykin USA line.
Moranguinho (Little Strawberry)
Cajuzinho (Little Cashew)
Amorinha (Little Blackberry)
Cravinho (Little Clove)
Amorinha Perfeito (Little Pansy)
Margaridinha (Little Daisy)
Hortensiazinha (Little Hortensian)
Melanciazinha (Little Watermellon)
Noivinha (Little Bride)
Party Series
The First Party series was made in 1988 and the dolls have large party dresses on.
Moranguinho (Little Strawberry) | Quindinzinho (Little coconut candy) |
Balinha (Little Caramel) | Sorvetinho de limao (Lemon Ice Cream) |
Sorvetinho de Uva (Grape Ice Cream) | Sorvetinho de Framboesa (Raspberry Ice Cream) |
Sorvetinho de Maracuja (Passion Fruit Ice Cream) |
Jelly Dolls
The second party series or the Jelly Series was made in 1989 and are similar to the first party series. They have an extra piece of hair and a butterfly clip both of which are often missing. Gelatina Moranguinho (Little Strawberry Jelly) Gelatina Uvinha (Little Grape Jelly) Gelatina Laranjinha (Little Orange Jelly)Gelatina Abacaxizinho (Little Pineapple Jelly) Gelatina Limaozinho (Little Lemon Jelly)Noivinha (Little Bride) Rosinha (Little Rose) Chocolatinho (Little Chocolate) |
Typical Clothing Series
This series was made in 1991 and is the Brazilian equal to the international line of dolls put out in the USA. These dolls are very beautiful!
Terra da Moranguinho | Holanda |
Espanha | Itália |
Russia | Brasil |
Brazilian Last Series
The Last series was made in 1992 and are similar to the first series. I think these dolls are easier to find in their boxes than loose for some reason.
Moranguinho (Little Strawberry) | Cerejinha (Little Cherry) |
Laranjinha (Little Orange) | Melanciazinha (Little Watermelon) |
Limaozinho (Little Lemon) | |

Pricing Guide for Strawberry Shortcake Dolls
How to buy and sell Strawberry Shortcake dolls online with March 2022 pricing guideÂ
The Ultimate Pricing Guide for Strawberry Shortcake Dolls is an invaluable resource for collectors and enthusiasts alike. This comprehensive guide offers detailed listings and up-to-date pricing information for a wide range of Strawberry Shortcake dolls, from vintage treasures of the 1980s to the latest releases. Whether you're a seasoned collector or new to the world of these iconic dolls, our guide provides insightful knowledge on the rarity, condition, and market value of each piece. Packed with colorful photographs and expert tips.
Are you thinking of buying or selling vintage strawberry shortcake dolls or collectables? In this guide, I will teach you everything you need to know about good practices when buying or selling online in the USA plus some information about enhancing your profit. I will cover where and how to sell them for the best price. I also include a pricing guide from March 2022 eBay.com sales to assist you in this process.
Thanks to John for sending through his pictures of Moranguinho (Little Strawberry).